People, patients and community are at the heart of our work.
We recognise health consumers, their families, carers and community members as partners in care and we value your positive contributions to improve quality of care for the health and wellbeing of the local community.
Your experience with us matters
Patient experience feedback helps us understand what’s important to you when you receive care, such as getting timely appointments, easy access to information and good communication with health care providers.
By looking at various aspects of your experience, we can assess the extent to which patients are receiving care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values.
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Patient and carer stories are collected across Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) services with the intention to understand and improve our health services.
Understanding the your perspective about your experience in our health services can offer great insight to the gaps in service delivery and ways to improve it. These stories are a powerful tool in sharing the lived experiences of patients, families and carers.
You can view some of our patient stories on our YouTube channel.
Patient experience surveys provide an opportunity for you to provide feedback on your experience of care with us and are a valuable tool in supporting our approach to continuous improvement.
Used widely across all our facilities and services, feedback from these surveys is collated through a central database and reported to our services.
Bureau of Health Information (BHI) is a Board-governed organisation that publishes independent reports and data about the performance of the healthcare system in NSW.
BHI manages the NSW Patient Survey Program which gathers information from patients across NSW about their experience with service in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. These reports provide valuable insight into how well the healthcare system in NSW is functioning and where there are opportunities to improve, and help healthcare professionals and policy makers deliver safe, quality care.
MNCLHD works closely with the BHI team in promoting, analysing and acting upon feedback received through the NSW Patient Survey Program.
Summary reports from the NSW Patient Survey Program are publicly accessible through BHI’s interactive data portal Healthcare Observer.