two women with a table full of second hand items for sale

UHA volunteers Bron Guymer and Jen Lucey are excited about the branch’s Giant Garage Sale on 20 November.

Roll up to the UHA’s giant garage sale

Nov 17, 2021
This article was published 3 years ago.

If you love a bargain, you can’t afford to miss the sale of century at Camden Haven Community Health Centre on Saturday 20 November.

The Camden Haven branch of the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW is prepping for a mega sale that features everything, bar the kitchen sink.

The booty includes a pool table, one pottery wheel, a kiln, an exercise bike, antiques, paints, glazes and brushes, a spray booth plus air compressor, books, plants, crocheted items, knitwear, kitchen wares, clothing, bric-a-brac, furniture, walking aids, shower chairs, bisque-fired and greenware ceramics, as well as skillfully painted ceramics, craft bits and pieces, including coloured beads by the bazillion, and unpainted timber products.

In fact, the list keeps growing day by day.

The volunteers’ president, Jen Lucey, said the garage sale would be the group’s biggest and best yet, and every dollar raised would help purchase medical equipment or patient comfort items for Camden Haven Community Health Centre, Port Macquarie Base and Wauchope District Memorial hospitals.

“Our volunteers have been busily working towards this sale for a couple of years as last year’s UHA garage sale had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions,” Ms Lucey said.

“We’ve waited a long time to bring our bargain-priced collection of goods to the public and we are looking forward to again being able to support our vital community health centre right here in Laurieton and the public hospitals in Wauchope and Port.

“A huge thank you goes to our volunteers for making this event possible, but we also want to thank our wonderful community for donating items to add to the collection.

“The public is most welcome to drop off saleable items on Friday 19 November, before 4pm, and then we invite everyone to visit Camden Haven Community Health Centre the following day where they are guaranteed to find a bargain.”

The UHA Garage Sale will be held at Camden Haven Community Health campus in Laurie Street, Laurieton, from 8.30am on 20 November.

woman sitting at potters' wheel

Volunteer Stephanie Wright with a pottery wheel up for grabs at the mega sale.

woman holding collector's doll in a box

Volunteer Stephanie Wright with one of many treasured items, a collectables doll from Ashton-Drake Galleries, being offered for sale on 20 November.

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