Four women in pink shirts and three nurses with recliner chairs

Comfort delivered: Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies Narelle Soles, Beryl Brackon, Valerie Ide, and Nola White, with Nurse Unit Manager Jessica Wilde, Registered Nurse Maddison Fischer and Enrolled Nurse Rebecca Langdon.

Pink Ladies’ generosity is improving patient care at Coffs

Jun 07, 2024

Patients in need of care at the Transit & Infusion Centre at Coffs Harbour Health Campus are now experiencing a little luxury thanks to the hard work and generosity of the Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies.

These wonderful volunteers, who operate the café and gift shop at the campus, have donated four comfortable recliners valued at $33,915.

This donation brings the total value of gifted medical equipment from the Pink Ladies to the Coffs Harbour Health Campus, community health services, and Mid North Coast Cancer Institute to an impressive $310,330 this year.

Their dedication and support have significantly improved the hospital experience for thousands of patients.

Jessica Wilde, Nurse Unit Manager of the Transit & Infusion Centre, said she was grateful for the support.

“I hoped to replace one of our old chairs, but the Pink Ladies replaced all four. It was such a lovely surprise and a generous show of support,” Ms Wilde said.

“Our patients, who sometimes receive infusion therapy for several hours at a time, love the recliners because they are so comfy. And the staff appreciate them as well, as they are easy to sterilise and maintain.

“The latest contributions from the Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies are a testament to their commitment to enhancing patient care and comfort.

“Their astounding support not only touches our hearts but also makes a tangible difference in the lives of our patients,” Ms Wilde said.

Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies President Helen Mears said the donation was only possible due to the hard work of the volunteers.

“We all work hard and get a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction from being able to provide this much-needed equipment for the hospital and hope to continue for many years to come,” Mrs Mears said.

Men and women wanting to join the Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies are encouraged to contact Linda Friend at


A woman in a pink shirt with a nurse

Recliners bring smiles: Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies’ Nola White and Transit & Infusion Centre Nurse Unit Manager Jessica Wilde.

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