seven women wearing pink shirts standing either side of a nurse. in the foreground are two wheelchairs, CD players and heat pads.

Palliative Care Unit Acting Nurse Unit Manager Jodi Gallagher with CanSurvive members Bev Noble, Sue Carter, Jann Muller, Deb Campbell, Lyn Buckley, Genevieve Cumberland and Fran Jordan and their donated equipment in support of seriously ill patients. Absent: CanSurvive fundraising coordinator Wendy Edgington.

Breast cancer survivors dig deep for Wauchope palliative care unit

Mar 13, 2024

CanSurvive, a group of breast cancer survivors who paddle with the Camden Haven Dragon Boat Club, has donated $2400 to the Palliative Care Unit at Wauchope District Memorial Hospital.

The generous donation bought two wheelchairs, three CD players and two heat pads, items that will greatly enhance the comfort and wellbeing of seriously ill patients.

CanSurvive spokesperson Deb Campbell said the donation was raised by locals for locals through a number of activities, including barbecues and raffles coordinated by fellow paddler Wendy Edgington.

Palliative Care Unit Acting Nurse Unit Manager Jodi Gallagher thanked the group for their support, kindness and generosity, and for making a real difference to the wellbeing of her patients.

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