A woman wearing a pink shirt, standing behind a trolley loaded with newspapers and magazines and standing in front of a gift shop window featuring knitted items in the window.

Pink Lady Volunteer Lois Arthur about to embark on her Pink Ladies Trolley run, delivering newspapers, magazines, treats and personal care items to patients who cannot walk to the giftshop or café.

Superheroes needed at Coffs Harbour Health Campus

Feb 18, 2024

Coffs Harbour Health Campus is issuing a heartfelt call to the community, inviting individuals to join the esteemed ranks of the Pink Ladies, a dedicated group of women and men committed to enhancing patient care and support within the health facility.

Last year alone, the Pink Ladies, a local branch of the United Hospital Auxiliaries (UHA) of NSW, exemplified their unwavering commitment by generously donating an astounding $274,759.31 in crucial hospital equipment for the betterment of Coffs Harbour Health Campus. This remarkable contribution underscored the vital role volunteers play in ensuring healthcare services continue to deliver high quality care.

“We are now eagerly seeking new members to join the Pink Ladies,” said President Helen Mears.

“Volunteers, particularly those interested in contributing to the vibrant atmosphere of the Pink Ladies Cafe, Pink Ladies Giftshop and Pink Ladies Trolley visiting the wards during weekdays, are welcomed with open arms.”

Through their selfless dedication, Pink Ladies (and men) play a pivotal role in giving back to the Coffs Coast community. 

“By lending their time and talents, volunteers directly contribute to the provision of essential medical equipment that enhances patient care and supports the tireless efforts of the hospital’s healthcare professionals,” Mrs Mears said.

The Local Health District’s Corporate Relations Manager, Sharon Fuller, said Health staff were immensely grateful for the invaluable contributions of volunteers.

“Their dedication and compassion serve as pillars of strength within our healthcare community, enriching the lives of all those they touch,” Mrs Fuller said.

Individuals interested in becoming a member of the Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies are encouraged to reach out to Linda Friend at Pink Ladies pinkladiescoffsharbour@gmail.com

“Together, let us continue the legacy of service and compassion that defines our community,” Ms Friend said.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact: pinkladiescoffsharbour@gmail.com

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