A group of lawn bowlers with hospital staff at a cheque donation.

Ian Hackney, Graham Scaysbrook, Mickle Simpson and Rosie Ansley from Wauchope Bowling Club with Nurse Manager Kate Williams and Rehabilitation Nurse Unit Manager Sarah Martin, who are grateful for the bowlers’ ongoing support.

A bit of bias for Wauchope’s rehabilitation team

Oct 11, 2023

Ten years ago, Wauchope Bowling Club handed over the proceeds from its Wrong Bias fundraiser to Wauchope District Memorial Hospital, supporting patient comfort items to the value of $500.

This week, and $6,300 later, the club has added another $2,000 to its impressive track record, donating specialised equipment to the Rehabilitation Unit.

The gift includes four Ottobock slings to help support patients post stroke and provide upper limb support and stability, a step box to promote balance and strength when using a walking frame during rehabilitation and utility chairs for the rehabilitation patient dining room.

Acting Nurse Unit Manager for Rehabilitation Sarah Martin said the bowling club’s Wrong Bias fundraiser had provided ongoing support for rehabilitation patients at the hospital, making a significant contribution to their recovery and independence.

“Our rehabilitation team includes doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and support staff, who are committed to patient-focused care and recovery,” Ms Martin said.

“We want our patients to regain their independence following a stroke or injury, and fit-for-purpose equipment helps us to do that.

“The community’s support through donations such as this generous gift from Wauchope Bowling Club, helps our patients enormously so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.”

The club’s bowlers have hosted the friendly fundraiser, a fine system for members who inadvertently send the bowl away from the jack instead of towards it, for ten years now.

Every wrong bias delivers a gold-coin donation to the kitty, which also grows significantly from bowlers who throw in their spare change and notes to the cause.

“Wauchope Bowling Club is proud to be able to offer much needed added support to patients and dedicated staff at Wauchope hospital,” said club secretary Graham Scaysbrook.

“Being part of a rapidly growing, small country town, we recognise that services to our community need a little boost. 

“We are all chuffed to be able to contribute in such a way towards support that goes direct to core services and equipment,” Mr Scaysbrook said. 

“We look forward to further supporting the hospital by collecting funds from our Wrong Bias Bowls.”


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