Group of female volunteers for the Camden Haven Hospital Auxiliary

PMBH Director of Nursing and Midwifery Penelope Pink (left) with the 2023-24 Camden Haven UHA Branch Committee: Val Lake, Lynne Dick, Jo Thorpe, Lyn Scott, Bron Guymer, Jen Lucey and Steph Wright.

Camden Haven UHA volunteers honoured for their service

Sep 04, 2023

The selfless service of Camden Haven Hospital Auxiliary volunteers was recognised this week, culminating in the acknowledgement of a remarkable 30 years of service for branch president Jen Lucey.

Ms Lucey’s three decades as a United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) volunteer was closely followed by 25 years’ service, all of it with the Camden Haven branch, for Daphne Sowter.

Another volunteer and former branch president, Steph Wright, was presented with her 20-year service award.

Edith Lane received her 15 years award and Jessica Marshall was presented with her 10 years’ service award. Maureen Elliott, who was not at the group’s Annual General Meeting, will receive her 10-year certificate at a later date.

Two special guests, Phil Lucey and John Wright, received Life Memberships of the branch in recognition of their continuous and extraordinary service in support of the volunteers’ fundraising efforts, namely garage sales, fairs and raffles.

The UHA’s North Eastern Regional Representative, Dee Hunter, presented the awards, and congratulated the members for keeping the branch viable during the COVID-19 period.

Port Macquarie Base Hospital Director of Nursing and Midwifery Penelope Pink was also present and thanked the volunteers for their commitment and support of HealthOne patients and clients in the Camden Haven, as well as patients at Port Macquarie Base Hospital and Wauchope District Memorial Hospital.

Citing their donated equipment at all three health campuses, Ms Pink said the UHA’s support made a world of difference to patients, regardless of where they were treated and cared for in the Hastings.

In her annual report to the volunteers, Mrs Lucey thanked branch members for their support and hard work over the past year and made special mention of her fellow committee members.

The meeting culminated in the election of the branch executive, which saw Mrs Lucey returned as President, Bron Guymer re-elected as Secretary and Jo Thorpe returned as Treasurer. Steph Wright is Vice-president, Lynne Dick is Welfare Officer, and Margaret Murray is Raffle Coordinator.

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