Older woman talking to a mum and her baby at a stall selling knitwear

The wonderful president of the Wauchope Hospital Volunteers, Win Secombe, chats with a customer.

Grab a bargain while supporting Wauchope hospital

Jun 03, 2022
This article was published 3 years ago.

If you’re in Wauchope today, why not duck down the IGA in town to support our wonderful volunteers and pick up a great gift for someone special while you’re there!

The popular street stall run by the Wauchope Hospital Volunteers is having a Mega Winter Woolies Sale, so you can grab a scarf to keep Mum (or you) toasty warm and a host of other great hand-knitted and crocheted items for bubs and youngsters.

Of course there are all the favourites too such as plants, chutneys, bric-a-brac and the chance to win a raffle prize too.

You can even grab brekky or lunch from the lads at the barbecue stall.

Money raised from the monthly street stall will help fund equipment and patient comfort items for Wauchope District Memorial Hospital.

The stall is held on the first Friday of every month in Hastings Co-op’s IGA carpark in the centre of town.

For more photos of the volunteers and the bargain-basement priced goods they sell, click on the image below and scroll through the library.


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