three women at a table. Christmas tree in the background

Camden Haven Community Health Centre Office Manager Kylie March, Camden Haven UHA Volunteer Joanne Thorpe and UHA North Eastern Zone Representative Dee Hunter enjoying a chat at the end-of-year get-together.

Camden Haven UHA friends celebrate at luncheon

Dec 14, 2021
This article was published 3 years ago.

The Camden Haven branch of the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW celebrated the end of a busy year with a Christmas luncheon on Monday.

The get together was held in the HACC building adjacent to Camden Haven Community Health Centre in Laurie Street, Laurieton, and was attended by the UHA’s North Eastern Zone representative Dee Hunter. Also present were Camden Haven Community Health Office Coordinator Kylie March and Mid North Coast Local Health District Corporate Relations Manager Sharon Fuller.

The friendly get-together celebrated the end of a busy year, disrupted by COVID-19 but finishing on a high note with the volunteers’ recent garage sale. 

The volunteers are looking forward to 2022, when a NSW Government Community Building Partnership grant of $12,900 will enable them to replace the floor coverings in the building they hold their regular monthly meetings in.

For more photos from the celebration, please click on the image below and scroll through the photos.




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