new mum and bub receiving a gift bag from a woman. Behind them are two midwives

New mum Soraya Crawford receives a Welcome to the World Little One gift pack from Frederickton Public School Relieving Principal Leanne Parker. Representing Kempsey District Hospital are Clinical Midwifery Educators Bronwyn Brenton and Margaret Binskin.

Welcome to the world little ones…

Nov 10, 2021
This article was published 3 years ago.

Frederickton Public School gifted 25 baby gift packs to the Maternity Unit at Kempsey District Hospital recently.

The Welcome to the World Little Ones gift packs contained reading books and a range of newborn clothing and baby toys.

Frederickton Public School Relieving Principal  Leanne Parker said children were everyone’s future.

“Frederickton Public School is always excited to welcome new babies into the world while supporting families,” Mrs Parker said.

“Frederickton Public School works closely with Good360 Australia to provide a range of resources to families, including clothing, household goods and personal care items.”

Good360, a Sydney-based charity, matches products from companies that are no longer needed, or are excess stock, with people and organisations who are able to utilise the products.

“Good360 is an incredible organisation which Frederickton Public School is excited to be part of,” Mrs Parker said.

“Our local Kempsey  Big W store also assisted in the sponsorship of the new baby gift packs.”

Clinical Midwifery Educator Bronwyn Brenton was grateful for the kind gesture.

“The Maternity Unit at Kempsey District Hospital, in partnership with Frederickton Public School, would like to thank those sponsors who made this kind donation possible,” Ms Brenton said.

two gift bags with contents, clothes, books and toys, displayed in front.

Welcome to the World Little One gift packs contained books, clothes and toys.

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