About Us

MNCLHD supports the development of our workforce through learning and development with a culture that supports everyone to be their best – MNCLHD ‘Leadership, Workforce and Culture’ Strategic Directions 2017-2021

Organisation Learning and Development (OL&D) Unit

Organisation Learning & Development (OL&D) provides advisory and support services to enable and support the capability building of our workforce across the District, guided by the MNCLHD Strategic Directions 2017-2021, Workforce Plan/s, Clinical Services Plans and broader NSW Health workforce and clinical strategies, action plans and policy.

OL&D coordinates and supports the delivery of internal and external learning and development activities across the District including: simulation learning (through the iSimCentre and onsite at District facilities), NSW Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) face-to-face workshops and online learning (HETI MyHealthLearning), internal and external management and leadership development programs, and partners with Directorates/Services/teams to support delivery of identified learning and development activities.

In addition, OL&D provides Learning Management System (LMS) support for HETI MyHealthLearning at a District level, monitors and reports on District Mandatory Training, represents the District in a range of NSW Health and MNCLHD governance committees and working groups, and coordinates/manages agreements between the MNCLHD and a range of educational providers for clinical student placements/training and staff education/training.

OL&D is committed to building and supporting a positive and productive workplace. Working closely with HETI, and adopting their mission, we strive to improve the health of NSW and the working lives of NSW Health staff through education and training. We encourage and seek to model the CORE values of Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment in our everyday business and use these as a framework for our standard of practice.

The role of the Organisation Learning and Development (OL&D) unit regarding the design, development and delivery of internal training

OL&D is available to assist in the design and development of learning/training packages in line with current trends/developments in education as a field, adult education principles and modes of learning. We can provide advisory services from assisting with training needs analysis, instructional design advice/services to support the development of training initiatives and resources in line with education and adult learning principles, and support the coordination/delivery of training–including providing HETI MyHealthLearning user support and facilitator/administrator training.

As learning and development professionals, we aim to support individual and organisational learning needs to build capability and support everyone to be their best, by supporting the workforce to access high quality and effective education, training, and learning and development opportunities. We support the 70:20:10 principle that recognises optimal adult learning takes place through a blend of formal education/training including face-to-face and online learning (10%), learning with and from others eg. coaching, mentoring, networks (20%) and workplace/on-the-job experience where knowledge and skills are translated into clinical and workplace practice (70%). This recognises the shared responsibility for learning and transfer of learning in the workplace including individual learners, supervisors and managers, and the organisation.

We are a support unit that is committed to building a learning culture in the LHD and to providing the best possible service to you.