three people standing at a barbecue

General Volunteer Valetta Turner took a turn at the barbecue, even though the luncheon was hosted by the hospital to thank its volunteers. With Valetta are Executive Officer/Director of Nursing Wayne Southern and his Executive Assistant Julie Adams.

Wauchope honours its volunteers during National Volunteer Week

May 21, 2024

Wauchope District Memorial Hospital has celebrated National Volunteer Week by recognising the invaluable contributions of its dedicated volunteers.

The event, which brought together members of the United Hospital Auxiliary branch, Wauchope Hospital Volunteers, and general volunteer Valetta Turner, highlighted the diverse and essential roles volunteers play in supporting the hospital.

Valetta Turner showcased her culinary skills by taking a turn on the tongs at the appreciation barbecue hosted by the hospital. The event was a small token of gratitude for the tireless efforts of the volunteers who contribute so much to the hospital community.

Apologies were received from the site’s palliative care volunteers, as this week also marks Palliative Care Week. Despite their absence, their contributions were warmly acknowledged.

Nurse Manager Kate Williams expressed her profound gratitude on behalf of everyone who works at Wauchope hospital.

“We are so grateful for all the work the volunteers do to support our hospital,” Ms Williams said.

“Volunteers provide such diverse service to Wauchope hospital, from fundraising to gardening and equipment donations, as well as supporting bereaved families and even playing the harp for patients, staff, and visitors.

“The dedication and compassion of the volunteers not only enhance the hospital environment but also significantly impact the lives of patients and their families.

“Wauchope District Memorial Hospital is deeply appreciative of the ongoing support and commitment of these wonderfully generous members of our community.”


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