Protect yourself and your loved ones by washing hands regularly, keeping your distance from others and wearing a mask as required.
Three new cases diagnosed while in isolation
Sep 12, 2021View the latest updates.
Mid North Coast Local Health District has been advised of three new positive COVID-19 cases to 8pm yesterday 11 September 2021.
The three cases acquired COVID-19 in Sydney and were diagnosed while isolating in health quarantine on the Mid North Coast.
These cases are close household contacts of a known case and are not locally-acquired cases.
Mid North Coast Local Health District is continuing to provide support to 21 people who are isolating in health accommodation.
Sewage detection
NSW Health’s ongoing sewage surveillance program has detected fragments of the virus that causes COVID-19 at the Dunbogan treatment plant from samples taken on 8 September.
The Dunbogan sewage treatment plant serves around 8,500 residents of Dunbogan, Laurieton, Lakewood, West Haven, Camden Head and North Haven.
Testing sewage can help provide early warning of undetected infections in an area. Detection of virus fragments in sewage can also be due to shedding of the virus by someone who may have previously had the illness and may no longer be infectious.
It can also be the result of a person with COVID-19 who may have visited the community and has since left the area.
We are urging everyone to monitor for the onset of symptoms, and if they appear, to immediately be tested and isolate until a negative result is received.
If you are directed to get tested for COVID 19 or self-isolate at any time, you must follow the rules whether or not the venue or exposure setting is listed on the NSW Health website.
A full list of COVID-19 testing clinic locations and opening hours are listed on the NSW Government website.