Close Observation Units Clinical Nurse Educator Deliah Harris and Registered Nurse Marina Burke.

Pink, magenta, crimson, fuchsia, coral, rose, blush: October shades

Nov 08, 2023
This article was published 1 year ago.

Each Wednesday throughout October, Kempsey District Hospital turned many shades of pink in tribute to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And it wasn’t just the wards donning pink, but the staff, too.

The pink blitz not only gave patients and visitors a colourful change of scenery but also prompted open discussion about breast cancer.

Breast care nurse Kelly Scott-McGrath, who now works with The McGrath Foundation, suggested the Pink Up Your Ward competition to Acting Executive Officer Katie Croad, and the hospital team jumped at the idea.

“The staff at Kempsey just make things happen and their effort and artistic talent are appreciated,” Ms Scott-McGrath said.

Each Wednesday, staff wore pink shirts or faced a fine, which, along with raffle proceeds, was donated to The McGrath Foundation, raising almost $800.

Aunty Helen Archibald was the honorary judge, naming the Rehab Unit the best decorated ward, closely followed by the runner-up Community Mental Health Unit.

After the creative and festive success of Pink Up Your Ward, Kempsey Health Campus Executive Assistant, Jenny Clarke had one thing to say, “Look out, Christmas!”

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