Continuous patient improvement recognised: Nurse Unit Manager Leanne Parsons, Director of Surgery Dr Bruce Hodge, Surgical Clinical Reviewer Kerilee Kirkwood, Patient Safety Coordinator Lucy Hayes and Surgical Nurse Casey Dwyer.
Meritorious mention for Port Hospital’s quality surgical care
Nov 16, 2023Port Macquarie Base Hospital again achieved meritorious outcomes for surgical patient care for the last calendar year, following recognition also in 2022.
This is a prestigious national recognition by the American College of Surgeons (ACS).
The ACS NSQIP (National Surgical Quality Improvement Program) commends a select group of hospitals for achieving a meritorious composite score in either an All Cases category or a category that includes higher-risk cases (“High Risk”). Each composite score was determined through a different weighted formula combining eight outcomes.
- Mortality
- Cardiac: cardiac arrest and myocardial infarction
- Pneumonia
- Unplanned Intubation
- Ventilator > 48 hours
- Renal Failure
- Surgical Site Infection (SSI): superficial incisional SSI, deep incisional SSI, and organ/space SSI
- UTI: urinary tract infection
“Port Macquarie Base was one of five hospitals across Australia to commence the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) in 2015,” said Teresa Howarth, Acting Director of Clinical Governance.
“Data collected assesses surgical patient safety and outcomes and directly influences the quality of surgical care.”
A select group of 78 of the 615 participating hospitals worldwide achieved meritorious recognition from the ACS. Forty-six hospitals, including PMBH, were recognised in the All Cases and High Risk categories.
Hastings Macleay Director of Surgery, Dr Bruce Hodge, paid tribute to the late Robyn Austin, who passionately helped drive the program at Port Macquarie Base Hospital. Ms Austin and Dr Hodge published reports and presented at conferences to share improvement project updates with other hospitals.
“Robyn passed away almost 12 months ago, and she was instrumental in getting the program up and running here, collecting the data and instituting reforms that have led to this award,” Dr Hodge said.
“The reforms identified processes and trends across all spheres of the operating theatre, from pre-admission to the operating theatre and post-operative care. Robyn’s attention to detail across that spectrum of care has led us to have improved outcomes for patients.
“It’s a collaborative program with other hospitals, and we’ve been able to learn from each other and have collectively made a substantial difference to patient care.
“For our hospital and staff, this recognition is at an international level and acknowledges our hard work and commitment to patient care before, during and after surgery.
“The meritorious outcome shows this hospital provides quality care for our community. It’s what we aim for, and this meritorious mention shows we punch above our weight.”