Two men and two women standing in front of pull up banners and holding certificates.

(Left to right) Paramedic NSW Ambulance, Warwick Mordue, Registered Nurse Community Mental Health, Elizabeth Fowler, CNC EMHAART Mental Health Services, Kel Ryan and Registered Nurse Emergency Department, Aleska Van Heekeren.

Maintaining a work life balance

Aug 08, 2023
This article was published 2 years ago.

The Schwartz Rounds Leadership Group held its latest Schwartz Round, hosted by Coffs Harbour Health Campus on 2 August 2023.

The theme was ‘A balancing act – how do we maintain work life balance’.

The panel consisted of Paramedic NSW Ambulance, Warwick Mordue, Registered Nurse Community Mental Health, Elizabeth Fowler, CNC EMHAART Mental Health Services, Kel Ryan and Registered Nurse Emergency Department, Aleska Van Heekeren.

Each panellist shared a story about their busy, active lives and how they manage to maintain a work life balance.

Each story shared a common theme of finding your ‘own recipe’, what works for you, and what brings you joy and their personal commitment to individual health and wellbeing through physical exercise.

At the end of the Round the panellists were each presented with a Certificate of Acknowledgement in recognition of the important part they played in making the Round a success.

Schwartz Rounds are a type of structured group forum where clinical and non-clinical employees meet regularly to discuss the emotional and social aspects of working in healthcare.

Schwartz Rounds provide an opportunity to take ‘time out’ to reflect on work in a safe, collegial and compassionate space. Unlike other initiatives such as group reflective practice or clinical supervision, the purpose is not to solve problems or to focus on the clinical aspects of patient care. Schwartz Rounds are inclusive of all employees.

The next Schwartz Rounds is currently scheduled for 26 September 2023 at Port Macquarie Base Hospital. Further details will be provided closer to the date.

If you are interested in being a future panellist, please send your expression of interest to

The opportunity to be a panellist is open to all Health Care Workers, including clinical, non-clinical and corporate team members.



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