Blind person using computer with braille computer display and a computer keyboard.

Innovations to open the digital world to all: A computer with braille display.

Let’s talk, think and learn about digital access and inclusion

May 16, 2024

More than one billion people worldwide have disabilities or impairments.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) encourages everyone to talk, think and learn about digital access and inclusion. Digital accessibility removes barriers and creates possibilities for people. Awareness and commitment to inclusion are the goals of GAAD.

When using digital technology, people who are blind or vision impaired may need screen reading, audio cues, or magnification technology. People who are deaf or hearing impaired may need captioning and visual indicators. People with motor impairments may need alternative keyboards, eye control or other adaptive hardware to help them use their devices. These are just a few examples of digital accessibility, but there are more to help close the gap.

Surprising fact: Just 3 per cent of the internet is accessible to people with disabilities. This digital divide presents a significant barrier, limiting access to vital information, engaging with online services, and participating fully in the digital world.

Some things to consider when utilising digital platforms to provide services or support colleagues are:

  • Seek expert guidance
  • Providing alternative text
  • Implementing keyboard navigation
  • Use accessible forms
  • Caption and transcribe media

We encourage you to consider the needs of people you work with or support and the barriers to inclusion they may face. Commit to being part of the solution, by asking how you can help, and doing what you can to meet those needs. Have conversations with your colleagues to build awareness. Find out what digital accessibility exists in your workplace and learn more about it.

If you’d like to know more about GAAD, head to:

There’s so much we can do and your Disability Healthcare Specialists are here to help. If you would like more information about supporting people with disability, the NDIS, or the TOP 5 initiative, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to help. 



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