Two women reading in a cafe.

Learning the finer points of accessible communications.

Learn how to make communication more accessible

Oct 31, 2024

Health consumers have a right to understand the information we provide, act on it, and stay healthy. This means making our communication accessible to people with varying literacy.

To meet health literacy needs, we need to present information at a year 7, or lower, reading level.  

The NSW Health Strategic Communications and Engagement Unit is holding sessions on how to make health information easier to understand, especially for people with disability, low literacy, neurodiversity, and CALD and Aboriginal communities. You will learn about what you need to do to make your communications accessible and the resources available to help you put it into practice.

You will get information on plain English, Easy Read, alternative text, captions, transcripts, audio descriptions, Auslan, and consider cultural and language differences that may impact a person’s understanding or interpretation.

You will also hear from the Statewide Health Literacy Hub about the Electronic Patient Communication Portal (ePCP). An evidence-based system that can help you deliver communications to meet health literacy standards.

To attend a session, register using the links below. All sessions will be virtual and run for one hour.

Wednesday 6 November – 2.00pm

Tuesday 19 November – 10.30am

Thursday 5 December – 11.00am         

Tuesday 11 February – 10.30am

Thursday 27 February – 2.00pm

For more information, visit Accessibility matters or email

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