Hands up, skill up! Auslan training available

Oct 25, 2023
This article was published 1 year ago.

Mid North Coast Health District staff will have access to basic Auslan training in November.

Sessions will be held across four hospitals, including Coffs Harbour, Macksville, Kempsey and Port Macquarie. The training spans eight 45-minute sessions delivered by Mid North Coast Deaf community member Cindy-Lu, with the assistance of her Auslan interpreter Terri.

Health staff will learn the Auslan fingerspelling alphabet, numbers, how to introduce themselves, and common signs for the hospital setting.

Health staff will also build their deaf awareness by understanding the challenges Auslan users face when accessing the Health system and how they can assist in minimising and managing these barriers.

Limited spots are available in the sessions, so register on My Health Learning now!

For more information about the Auslan sessions or supporting people with disabilities, please contact Disability Healthcare Specialists.

Sarah sarah.mongan@health.nsw.gov.au

Charity charity.honeysett@health.nsw.gov.au

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