Two healthcare workers, one holding a certificate of service recognition.

Karen Dawson 50 years of service and Anna Pascoe

Centuries of experience and service recognised in Macksville

Nov 05, 2024

Over 1,400 years of combined service were celebrated at Macksville District Hospital last week as members of staff received their Recognition of Service pin.

More than 60 members were awarded the pins recognising between 10 to 50 years of service in a variety of career pathways.

Deputy Director of Nursing Mark Tyler said long-serving staff members are deeply valued for their dedication, experience and legacy.

“Their contribution enriches patient care and strengthens the hospital community,” Mr Tyler said.

“It’s incredible to have so many years of experience among our team, including those who may have worked in other areas across the state, the country, or even globally,” he said.

The longest serving members recognised on the day were Karen Dawson and Julie Townsend who both have dedicated 50 years each to Macksville District Hospital.

For any missed recognitions, staff can check their ‘Years of Service History’ in Stafflink. If there are discrepancies, lodge a ticket in SARA for a General HR Enquiry.

If you believe you should have received a Recognition of Service pin, please reach out to the Organisational Development team. The query form is on the Reward and Recognition Intranet Page, or you can email


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