Healthcare workers with certificates acknowledging their participation in a panel discussion.

Dorrigo MPS Registered Nurse Wendy Allison-Williams, CNE Mental Health Services Alison Taylor, and Learning and Development Program Manager Casey Cook.

CARE Collective wraps 2023

Dec 21, 2023

What a huge year for the CARE Collaborative!

In 2023, the caring group conducted four Kapture Kindness events, ran three fun quizzes and hit the road to promote Your Care Hub across the district. More than 650 people registered for Your CARE Hub, and 500+ vouchers for coffee and meals were delivered.

At the Coffs Harbour Health Campus, the group featured at the Schwartz Round.

Most recently, members coordinated the Happy Boxes Project’s donation drive for the fourth year. Happy Boxes contain personal hygiene and toiletry products and are donated to women in the most remote communities of Australia.

The CARE Collaborative was nominated again for an Innovation Award for the CARE Hub platform, and a member, Alison Taylor, was nominated and won for Collaborative Leader of the Year!

Founding member Lorraine Brown was farewelled this year. Lorraine leaves a legacy of care and compassion from her time at MNCLHD.

To keep the CARE Collaborative running in 2024, the group is calling on more like-minded wellbeing champions to join. If you are interested in helping with running online trivia, Kapture Kindness or any other wellbeing event, contact

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