weatherboard building on the back of a semi-trailer being removed from a large block of land

The former Nambucca Valley Cancer Support Group Resource Centre makes its way from its old address at the corner of Giinagay Way (formerly the Pacific Highway) and Boundary Street, the site of the old Macksville District Hospital.

Cancer centre given new life and purpose

Dec 16, 2021
This article was published 3 years ago.

The Nambucca Valley Cancer Support Group has farewelled its former premises, which is now home to a woman who lost her house in the 2019 bushfires.

The well-known building, which occupied the very visible corner of the old Macksville District Hospital site, has a new owner and a new future in the Nambucca Valley.

Wendy Hunter of the Nambucca Valley Cancer Support Group said the relocation was the perfect sequel to a building that had been home to the support group for more than a decade.

“It has been a long process, finding a new home for the resource centre, but we are very happy that it is going to a lady who lost her home in the fires,” Wendy said.

Proceeds from the sale of the building will be reinvested in cancer support in the Nambucca Valley.

For more than 10 years the group’s cancer resource centre, funded by community donations, had been a safe place for cancer patients and their families to seek support from the volunteers, who are either former cancer patients or carers.

The support group made a massive $420,000 contribution in 2018 to a new resource centre in the new Macksville District Hospital, making the old building redundant to the group’s needs.

“It was the end of an era watching the old centre being moved from the site to take up its new location as a home for a deserving person, who we know will love the building as much as we did,” Wendy said.

old building with a sign at the front of it identifying it as the Hastings Valley Cancer Support Resource Centre

The old Nambucca Valley Cancer Support Resource Centre is now located in the Macleay Valley and is home to a woman who lost her home in the 2019 bushfires.

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