Five nurses standing close to each other. Two nurses are touching a machine and the other three are looking at paperwork.

MNCLHD Nurses, midwives and mental health nurses who graduated from Newcastle University to update their details to reconnect, while going in the draw to win some fantastic prizes.

Calling all Newcastle University nursing graduates

Aug 23, 2023
This article was published 1 year ago.

Mid North Coast Local Health District nurses and midwives, who graduated from the University of Newcastle, are being encouraged to update their details and, by doing so, will go in the draw to win a $500 gift card or Gorman scrubs. 

The school would like to reconnect with nursing, midwifery and mental health nursing graduates to discover where life has taken them since graduation, and ensure they feel a sense of belonging as valued members of the School of Nursing and Midwifery community.

By reconnecting, nurses can gain access to alumni benefits and stay in the loop with reunions and milestone celebrations, such as the University’s 60th anniversary in 2025.

All you need to do is update your contact details via the online form and you’ll go in the draw to win either a $500 prepaid gift card or Gorman scrubs.

Reconnect today!

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