A woman in a pink suit with school students

UHA President Maxine Walker with Kempsey Adventist School Dean of Learning Judi Eppingstall and students following the school’s $1000 donation in support of the refurbishment of the hospital’s rehabilitation courtyard.

Adventist School donates $1,000 to rehabilitation courtyard

Oct 14, 2024

Kempsey District Hospital has welcomed a generous $1,000 donation from Kempsey Adventist School students to the Kempsey United Hospital Auxiliary and Pink Ladies (UHA).

The funds will go towards the ongoing refurbishment of the hospital’s Rehabilitation courtyard, which will create a more welcoming and therapeutic space for patients undergoing treatment for stroke, injury, or illness.

Dean of Learning Judi Eppingstall said the students raised funds through a unique school project, where they created small business ventures and used the proceeds to support the UHA’s vital work at Kempsey District Hospital.

UHA President Maxine Walker expressed her gratitude for the students’ hard work and dedication, emphasising the positive impact of such contributions on patient comfort and recovery.

“The support from Kempsey Adventist School is not only a testament to the generosity of our local community but also an example of young people making a real difference,” Mrs Walker said.

“The refurbishment of the courtyard is an important initiative, and this donation will help us enhance the environment for patients in rehabilitation.”

Kempsey District Hospital Executive Officer Katie Croad was also present at the cheque presentation to thank the school and the UHA for their support of a meaningful project for patients.

A large group of school students holding a giant cheque.

UHA President Maxine Walker, Kempsey Adventist School Dean of Leaning Judi Eppingstall and KDH Executive Officer Katie Croad with students in the main courtyard at Kempsey hospital. The school’s donation will help the UHA continue its refurbishment of the hospital’s rehabilitation courtyard.

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