BowraMacksville UHA volunteers Lorraine Edmondson and Susan Hedgecoe (standing) and Betty Allen and Jan Tinson hard at work selling raffle tickets.
A boot full of prizes raises $1250
Dec 07, 2022The Valley Performers, a group of Nambucca Valley volunteers who love the performing arts, asked BowraMacksville Branch of UHA if its members would be interested in running a raffle on the four evenings and two matinee performances of their play, The Gangster’s Ball.
A resounding ‘yes’ was provided to the performing arts group and the UHA volunteers set about gathering prizes to place in a huge timber Santa’s Boot, built by Peter Carlow and Joe Welsh, and on display at the performance venue, Macksville Ex-services Club.
“Many Macksville businesses donated gifts or vouchers which were very much appreciated,” said UHA branch president Lorraine Edmondson.
“Auxiliary members gathered the rest and we managed to fill the boot!
“Many thanks must also go to our raffle ticket sellers who never say no.”
The raffle raised $1250 with five prizes being awarded.
“Thank you so much Valley Performers; the show was lots of fun and I am sure a great success,” Ms Edmondson said.
Prize winners were:
1st Phil Howard
2nd Felicity Ferris
3rd Vaughan
4th Cheryl
5th Tracey Bowden