Jenny Zirkler

Jenny Zirkler

After completing schooling at Macksville High School in 1973 Jenny commenced a nursing career becoming a Registered Nurse in May 1977. Jenny has worked full time except for taking time to have two sons. While working she studied and attained a Bachelor Administration (Nursing) and Master of Nursing (Acc, Finance and Management).

Jenny was appointed Nurse Manager (Deputy DON) at Macksville Health Campus in 1995 and then as the Executive Officer/Director of Nursing in 2003 until 2010. Throughout this time she relieved in senior management and executive roles at Dorrigo, Bulahdelah, Kempsey and Coffs Harbour Hospitals.

In 2010 Jenny moved into the aged care sector becoming the Executive Care Manager at Nambucca Valley Care until her retirement in September 2021.

Her roles provided strategic leadership through innovation and change management. Jenny has been instrumental and often been the lead in many initiatives, collaborations and partnerships during her time spent in the public health and in the aged care sectors.



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