five women standing in front of a pink e-car at a hospital

Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies executive June Curry, Helen Mears, Regional UHA Representative Dee Hunter, Adele McKinnon and Heather Hardwick.

Pink Ladies donate $241,000 in equipment

Jul 27, 2022
This article was published 3 years ago.

Helen Mears, Coffs Harbour’s  most recognised hospital volunteer, will serve another year as president of the Pink Ladies, a group she has led for more than 30 years.

Her remarkable length of service includes 41 years as a United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) volunteer at Coffs.

Her right hand, Treasurer Helen Hardingham, decided to retire from the position at the Pink Ladies’ recent annual general meeting, having given an equally remarkable 20 years’ service in the role.

The 2022-23 Treasurer is June Curry, Vice-president is Adele McKinnon and Heather Hardwick continues as Secretary.

Mrs Mears’ annual report touched on the challenges of the past year due to lockdowns, visitor restrictions and fewer opportunities to fundraise. However, despite the challenges, the volunteers still managed to donate an astounding $241,125.94 in medical equipment and patient comfort items to Coffs Harbour Health Campus.

The Pink Ladies also reopened the volunteers’ café in the Mid North Coast Cancer Institute, despite COVID-19 restrictions impacting on volunteer numbers.

North Eastern Regional Representative for the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Dee Hunter said the Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies should take a bow after a challenging year where they continued to put patients front and centre.

“Our hospital volunteers on the Mid North Coast are a remarkable group of people,” Ms Hunter said.

“They put others first at every opportunity, and are 100 per cent committed to supporting their local public hospital, its patients and staff.

“I couldn’t be prouder of every single one of them, but particularly of the committee members who not only do their bit on the branches’ rosters but give countless hours ensuring their branch continues to support patients and staff.

“People like Helen Mears, Helen Hardingham and Heather Hardwick lead by example and as UHA volunteers, we are thankful for their service.”

Anyone wanting to join this remarkable group of volunteers is encouraged to email



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