older woman smiling at camera

Betty Chapman had a beautiful smile and a personality to match.

A dear friend and avid supporter

Jan 18, 2022
This article was published 3 years ago.

The Camden Haven branch of the United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) has farewelled one of its foundation members, Betty Chapman, who died last month aged 91.

Betty had a beautiful smile and a personality to match, said branch president Jen Lucey.

“She was a great advocate for our little group and much loved.”

Betty joined the Camden Haven branch 34 years ago and was a “wonderful support” and hard worker.

She organised fashion parades, worked on cake stalls, sold raffle tickets in the main street, and was an enthusiastic contributor to the branch’s annual fete.

“Betty not only gave practical support to our fundraising events but was also heavily involved in our branch committees over the years,” Ms Lucey said.

“She made items to sell on the soft goods table at our stalls, helped compile a recipe book, contributed to our huge Christmas fete and even convinced her husband to be Santa, arriving at Camden Haven Community Health Centre on a big fire truck back in the good old days.”

In 2019, Betty spoke of the branch’s humble beginnings at the Camden Haven UHA branch’s 43rd birthday celebration, acknowledging the volunteers, doctors and nurses who helped shape the branch from its beginnings in 1976.

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